CLI path to ftp network connection

I've setup a connectio to an FTP server in Nautilus / Nemo / Caja, the file manager. Now I can browse the contents via this file manager.

How can I browse these files via the command line? What is the path to this network connection? Is this possible, is this a system connection, or specific to the file manager, and do I have to setup a separate FTP connection to do that? If I open this connection in Caja, I see it in Nemo as well, so it seems like a system connection.

The location you are looking for is: /run/user/1000/gvfs. Or more precisely /run/user/$UID/gvfs. The approach that I've used to get this is shown on the following animation.

The approach, that I used to get path /run/user/1000/gvfs

You can use also the option Open in Local Terminal from the context menu (right mouse button):

enter image description here

The initial answer:

This is not exact answer of your question, but it may be useful. You can mount FTP instance into your file system via the tool curlftpfs:

sudo apt install curlftpfs
sudo mkdir /mnt/ftp
sudo chown $USER:$USER /mnt/ftp

curlftpfs user:password@host:port/folder/ /mnt/ftp/

You can make script or fstab entry to automate the mounting process, as it is described here.

According to your original question, as it is described here, you can mount and SSH instance.