Sync Two IIS 8.5 Server configurations only excluding bindings

Got it (Make sure you are using CMD ADMIN and Powershell ADMIN)

Using CMD, it will not work in powershell not sure why it doesn't.

msdeploy -verb:sync -source:webserver,computerName=acd-pv01 -dest:webserver,computerName=acd-pv02 -skip:skipAction=Delete,objectName=binding -skip:skipAction=AddChild,objectName=binding

A little overview

There are a couple posts online about a custom rule replaceipbindings

However the type is not valid, this is a bug that has not been fixed yet.

So you have the add the -skip:skipAction to the command line to make it work and use the objectName=binding

1 problem is if you created a new site, the configuration is brought over however the binding info in not because you told it not to

So the fix that use powershell

Add-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST'  -filter "system.applicationHost/sites/site[@name='SITENAME']/bindings" -name "." -value @{protocol='http';bindingInformation='IPADDRESS:80:SITENAME'}