Can vim use the system clipboard(s) by default?

Solution 1:

I found a solution to my problem here. If you add the following to your .vimrc file

set clipboard=unnamedplus

Everything you yank in vim will go to the unnamed register, and vice versa.

Solution 2:

By the way, if you just want to use the terminal's native copy/paste handling, suggest setting

:se mouse-=a

and just doubleclick/rightclick as you're used to in your terminal.

That said, I love vim split windows and the fact that you can use the mouse to drag window dividers/position the cursor (heresy!). That requires mouse+=a... (and will work over ssh/screen sessions as well!).

I'm used to doing things like this instead:


and have commands like that on recall. Note that the "+ register is coded in the command line. To copy the last visual selection to the clipboard,




Solution 3:

Possible workaround:

"Ctrl-c to copy in + buffer from visual mode
vmap <C-c> "+y

"Ctrl-p to paste from the + register in cmd mode
map <C-v> "+p

"Ctrl-p to paste from the + register while editing
imap <C-v> <esc><C-v>