Create table with jQuery - append

This line:

$('#here_table').append( '<tr><td>' + 'result' +  i + '</td></tr>' );

Appends to the div#here_table not the new table.

There are several approaches:

/* Note that the whole content variable is just a string */
var content = "<table>"
for(i=0; i<3; i++){
    content += '<tr><td>' + 'result ' +  i + '</td></tr>';
content += "</table>"


But, with the above approach it is less manageable to add styles and do stuff dynamically with <table>.

But how about this one, it does what you expect nearly great:

var table = $('<table>').addClass('foo');
for(i=0; i<3; i++){
    var row = $('<tr>').addClass('bar').text('result ' + i);


Hope this would help.

You need to append the tr inside the table so I updated your selector inside your loop and removed the closing table because it is not necessary.

$('#here_table').append(  '<table />' );

    $('#here_table table').append( '<tr><td>' + 'result' +  i + '</td></tr>' );

The main problem was that you were appending the tr to the div here_table.

Edit: Here is a JavaScript version if performance is a concern. Using document fragment will not cause a reflow for every iteration of the loop

var doc = document;

var fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();

for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    var tr = doc.createElement("tr");

    var td = doc.createElement("td");
    td.innerHTML = "content";


    //does not trigger reflow

var table = doc.createElement("table");



When you use append, jQuery expects it to be well-formed HTML (plain text counts). append is not like doing +=.

You need to make the table first, then append it.

var $table = $('<table/>');
for(var i=0; i<3; i++){
    $table.append( '<tr><td>' + 'result' +  i + '</td></tr>' );

Or do it this way to use ALL jQuery. The each can loop through any data be it DOM elements or an array/object.

var data = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight'];
var numCols = 1;           

$.each(data, function(i) {
  if(!(i%numCols)) tRow = $('<tr>');

  tCell = $('<td>').html(data[i]);
