onscreen annotation software for Ubuntu 16.04 with i3wm?

I want to do screen annotation for recording a video lecture. That is to draw shapes and markings on top of other programs while recording.

I've been searching the whole day but not found a working one. I tried gromit-mpx, ardesia from Ubuntu's repository. Both of them works for compiz-based window manager, and therefore do not work with i3wm out of the box. I got gromit-mpx to start but that's all. The Annoation plugin of compiz is also mentioned by others for annotation. I haven't tried it. It seems that I have only only one to get the screen annotation work: switch to non-i3 window manager( i.e. Gnome). But I want to avoid that because I love i3 so much :) So how do you guys do screen annotation in a i3wm session?

I use xmonad rather than i3, but perhaps it's a similar solution:

I was able to get it working with gromit-mpx by specifying a key that I was able to type, in this case F9:

gromit-mpx --key "F9"

Then pressing F9, my cursor changed to a crosshair, and I was able to annotate my screen; right click acts as an eraser.

Screenshot of gromit-mpx successfully annotating on xmonad:

enter image description here