What is the current state of the Ubuntu Professional certification?

Solution 1:

I just received a response from Canonical, and it stated that in October 2010 they discontinued the Ubuntu Professional course and it was replaced it with a course that isn't tied to any certification.

They also let me know that while they are not offering any sort of certification at the moment, that they are working towards producing their own certification process that will be ready sometime after Summer 2012.

Solution 2:

I am going to ask the same questions and give the same suggestions as I did here

Will this certification give you anything beyond personal satisfaction?

Before you start down the road of getting a certification you should find out whether or not it's actually worth anything. The only reason that I see for you to get a certification is because someone else pays for it.

So start by answering the following questions:

  1. Are there Jobs requiring Ubuntu certifications?
  2. Do they pay more then the ones without it?

If not then the certification might be only for personal satisfaction.