Check if a class has a member function of a given signature

Solution 1:

Here's a possible implementation relying on C++11 features. It correctly detects the function even if it's inherited (unlike the solution in the accepted answer, as Mike Kinghan observes in his answer).

The function this snippet tests for is called serialize:

#include <type_traits>

// Primary template with a static assertion
// for a meaningful error message
// if it ever gets instantiated.
// We could leave it undefined if we didn't care.

template<typename, typename T>
struct has_serialize {
        std::integral_constant<T, false>::value,
        "Second template parameter needs to be of function type.");

// specialization that does the checking

template<typename C, typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct has_serialize<C, Ret(Args...)> {
    template<typename T>
    static constexpr auto check(T*)
    -> typename
            decltype( std::declval<T>().serialize( std::declval<Args>()... ) ),
            Ret    // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        >::type;  // attempt to call it and see if the return type is correct

    static constexpr std::false_type check(...);

    typedef decltype(check<C>(0)) type;

    static constexpr bool value = type::value;


struct X {
     int serialize(const std::string&) { return 42; } 

struct Y : X {};

std::cout << has_serialize<Y, int(const std::string&)>::value; // will print 1

Solution 2:

I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but you may exploit SFINAE to detect function presence at compile-time. Example from my code (tests if class has member function size_t used_memory() const).

template<typename T>
struct HasUsedMemoryMethod
    template<typename U, size_t (U::*)() const> struct SFINAE {};
    template<typename U> static char Test(SFINAE<U, &U::used_memory>*);
    template<typename U> static int Test(...);
    static const bool Has = sizeof(Test<T>(0)) == sizeof(char);

template<typename TMap>
void ReportMemUsage(const TMap& m, std::true_type)
        // We may call used_memory() on m here.
template<typename TMap>
void ReportMemUsage(const TMap&, std::false_type)
template<typename TMap>
void ReportMemUsage(const TMap& m)
        std::integral_constant<bool, HasUsedMemoryMethod<TMap>::Has>());

Solution 3:

The accepted answer to this question of compiletime member-function introspection, although it is justly popular, has a snag which can be observed in the following program:

#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

/*  Here we apply the accepted answer's technique to probe for the
    the existence of `E T::operator*() const`
template<typename T, typename E>
struct has_const_reference_op
    template<typename U, E (U::*)() const> struct SFINAE {};
    template<typename U> static char Test(SFINAE<U, &U::operator*>*);
    template<typename U> static int Test(...);
    static const bool value = sizeof(Test<T>(0)) == sizeof(char);

using namespace std;

/* Here we test the `std::` smart pointer templates, including the
    deprecated `auto_ptr<T>`, to determine in each case whether
    T = (the template instantiated for `int`) provides 
    `int & T::operator*() const` - which all of them in fact do.
int main(void)
    cout << has_const_reference_op<auto_ptr<int>,int &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<unique_ptr<int>,int &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<shared_ptr<int>,int &>::value << endl;
    return 0;

Built with GCC 4.6.3, the program outputs 110 - informing us that T = std::shared_ptr<int> does not provide int & T::operator*() const.

If you are not already wise to this gotcha, then a look at of the definition of std::shared_ptr<T> in the header <memory> will shed light. In that implementation, std::shared_ptr<T> is derived from a base class from which it inherits operator*() const. So the template instantiation SFINAE<U, &U::operator*> that constitutes "finding" the operator for U = std::shared_ptr<T> will not happen, because std::shared_ptr<T> has no operator*() in its own right and template instantiation does not "do inheritance".

This snag does not affect the well-known SFINAE approach, using "The sizeof() Trick", for detecting merely whether T has some member function mf (see e.g. this answer and comments). But establishing that T::mf exists is often (usually?) not good enough: you may also need to establish that it has a desired signature. That is where the illustrated technique scores. The pointerized variant of the desired signature is inscribed in a parameter of a template type that must be satisfied by &T::mf for the SFINAE probe to succeed. But this template instantiating technique gives the wrong answer when T::mf is inherited.

A safe SFINAE technique for compiletime introspection of T::mf must avoid the use of &T::mf within a template argument to instantiate a type upon which SFINAE function template resolution depends. Instead, SFINAE template function resolution can depend only upon exactly pertinent type declarations used as argument types of the overloaded SFINAE probe function.

By way of an answer to the question that abides by this constraint I'll illustrate for compiletime detection of E T::operator*() const, for arbitrary T and E. The same pattern will apply mutatis mutandis to probe for any other member method signature.

#include <type_traits>

/*! The template `has_const_reference_op<T,E>` exports a
    boolean constant `value that is true iff `T` provides
    `E T::operator*() const`
template< typename T, typename E>
struct has_const_reference_op
    /* SFINAE operator-has-correct-sig :) */
    template<typename A>
    static std::true_type test(E (A::*)() const) {
        return std::true_type();

    /* SFINAE operator-exists :) */
    template <typename A> 
    static decltype(test(&A::operator*)) 
    test(decltype(&A::operator*),void *) {
        /* Operator exists. What about sig? */
        typedef decltype(test(&A::operator*)) return_type; 
        return return_type();

    /* SFINAE game over :( */
    template<typename A>
    static std::false_type test(...) {
        return std::false_type(); 

    /* This will be either `std::true_type` or `std::false_type` */
    typedef decltype(test<T>(0,0)) type;

    static const bool value = type::value; /* Which is it? */

In this solution, the overloaded SFINAE probe function test() is "invoked recursively". (Of course it isn't actually invoked at all; it merely has the return types of hypothetical invocations resolved by the compiler.)

We need to probe for at least one and at most two points of information:

  • Does T::operator*() exist at all? If not, we're done.
  • Given that T::operator*() exists, is its signature E T::operator*() const?

We get the answers by evaluating the return type of a single call to test(0,0). That's done by:

    typedef decltype(test<T>(0,0)) type;

This call might be resolved to the /* SFINAE operator-exists :) */ overload of test(), or it might resolve to the /* SFINAE game over :( */ overload. It can't resolve to the /* SFINAE operator-has-correct-sig :) */ overload, because that one expects just one argument and we are passing two.

Why are we passing two? Simply to force the resolution to exclude /* SFINAE operator-has-correct-sig :) */. The second argument has no other signifance.

This call to test(0,0) will resolve to /* SFINAE operator-exists :) */ just in case the first argument 0 satifies the first parameter type of that overload, which is decltype(&A::operator*), with A = T. 0 will satisfy that type just in case T::operator* exists.

Let's suppose the compiler say's Yes to that. Then it's going with /* SFINAE operator-exists :) */ and it needs to determine the return type of the function call, which in that case is decltype(test(&A::operator*)) - the return type of yet another call to test().

This time, we're passing just one argument, &A::operator*, which we now know exists, or we wouldn't be here. A call to test(&A::operator*) might resolve either to /* SFINAE operator-has-correct-sig :) */ or again to might resolve to /* SFINAE game over :( */. The call will match /* SFINAE operator-has-correct-sig :) */ just in case &A::operator* satisfies the single parameter type of that overload, which is E (A::*)() const, with A = T.

The compiler will say Yes here if T::operator* has that desired signature, and then again has to evaluate the return type of the overload. No more "recursions" now: it is std::true_type.

If the compiler does not choose /* SFINAE operator-exists :) */ for the call test(0,0) or does not choose /* SFINAE operator-has-correct-sig :) */ for the call test(&A::operator*), then in either case it goes with /* SFINAE game over :( */ and the final return type is std::false_type.

Here is a test program that shows the template producing the expected answers in varied sample of cases (GCC 4.6.3 again).

// To test
struct empty{};

// To test 
struct int_ref
    int & operator*() const {
        return *_pint;
    int & foo() const {
        return *_pint;
    int * _pint;

// To test 
struct sub_int_ref : int_ref{};

// To test 
template<typename E>
struct ee_ref
    E & operator*() {
        return *_pe;
    E & foo() const {
        return *_pe;
    E * _pe;

// To test 
struct sub_ee_ref : ee_ref<char>{};

using namespace std;

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

int main(void)
    cout << "Expect Yes" << endl;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<auto_ptr<int>,int &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<unique_ptr<int>,int &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<shared_ptr<int>,int &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<std::vector<int>::iterator,int &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<std::vector<int>::const_iterator,
            int const &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<int_ref,int &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<sub_int_ref,int &>::value  << endl;
    cout << "Expect No" << endl;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<int *,int &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<unique_ptr<int>,char &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<unique_ptr<int>,int const &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<unique_ptr<int>,int>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<unique_ptr<long>,int &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<int,int>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<std::vector<int>,int &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<ee_ref<int>,int &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<sub_ee_ref,int &>::value;
    cout << has_const_reference_op<empty,int &>::value  << endl;
    return 0;

Are there new flaws in this idea? Can it be made more generic without once again falling foul of the snag it avoids?