Convert python long/int to fixed size byte array

I'm trying to implement RC4 and DH key exchange in python. Problem is that I have no idea about how to convert the python long/int from the key exchange to the byte array I need for the RC4 implementation. Is there a simple way to convert a long to the required length byte array?

Update: forgot to mention that the numbers I'm dealing with are 768 bit unsigned integers.

With Python 3.2 and later, you can use int.to_bytes and int.from_bytes:

Everyone has overcomplicated this answer:

some_int = <256 bit integer>
some_bytes = some_int.to_bytes(32, sys.byteorder)
my_bytearray = bytearray(some_bytes)

You just need to know the number of bytes that you are trying to convert. In my use cases, normally I only use this large of numbers for crypto, and at that point I have to worry about modulus and what-not, so I don't think this is a big problem to be required to know the max number of bytes to return.

Since you are doing it as 768-bit math, then instead of 32 as the argument it would be 96.