How to test if the Couchbase process is running in Ubuntu?

I have installed Couchbase Server on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS desktop. I'm new to Linux and have watched tutorials and done beginners research. However after installing Couchbase NoSQL, I can open the admin panel in firefox with localhost:8091 so I know it is running, I have two questions:

  1. After shutting down the Ubuntu machine and restarting it, Couchbase has started, so where is the entry to start Couchbase or indeed and script/program?
  2. I'm aware of ps, ps aux and pgrep commands to check for running processes but I can't see the couchbase service. Where is it?

From Couchbase documentation it is apparent that the service starts as part of init scripts in /etc/init.d/. That means you should be able to find your service via service --status-all or if you're on Ubuntu 16.04 and newer via systemctl list-units --type=service command.