Capturing multiple of the same alien

A few hours into the game, I can't answer the biggest part of the question ("What is Captive [Alien] good for after associated interrogation is done?") except to say that you can't sell them, so I suspect they must serve some purpose down the road, however menial.

However, I've noticed that in the case of Sectoids, for instance, I often get an undamaged Plasma Pistol along with my captive, instead of generic weapon fragments.

Seems like there are pros and cons to capturing instead of killing aliens after the first of each type.


  • You do get the captive, which might be useful later.
  • You acquire the enemy's weapons in one piece (dead enemies yield fragments). You'll still need to research tech you haven't yet (laser, plasma, etc.), but it often let's you get at better/more expensive stuff than you otherwise could.


  • You don't seem to get the experience for the kill.
  • It's often harder (obviously).

You only ever need 1 live alien of a particular type, with the exception of outsiders, of whom you need 2, but they produce items that don't require Alien Containment.

To turn your surplus live specimen, of whom you will likely have a huge buildup if you like free plasma weapons, into useful cadavers, simply demolish your Alien Containment facility - all live specimen will be killed and added to your "inventory". The only downside here is that you will need to reinvest the $85 and 7 days before you can capture new aliens.

Note that you can't find out how many live aliens there are in your base.