Resolv Conf Multiple DNS Servers with specific domains

Impossible to achieve using /etc/resolv.conf only.

I'd say the easiest thing is to install dnsmasq (a caching DNS client), make it the sole resolver by putting nameserver into /etc/resolv.conf and then modify dnsmasq configuration:

  • uncomment no-dhcp-interface= to disable dnsmasq's DHCP server facilities;
  • add a single generic record: server=;
  • add specific record: server=/mydomain.local/ to all requests for hosts in mydomail.local go to that server.

Actually this can be done if you are using dnsmasq.

At the bottom of your /etc/dnsmasq.conf file you can add lines like this:


I haven't tested it on more than my machine, but it works for me.

My requirement was because my VPN client was not using the correct nameservers when connected to a workplace to route internal addresses. This fixed it to use internal DNS servers for specific domains.

This could be difficult to achieve, using plain /etc/resolv.conf only, imho. Would it be a problem, to install a local resolver? If not - the following plan might be applicable:

  1. Install a cache-only DNS from your distro repository. The default configuration should work and usually you have as a listening address only.
  2. Backup your existing /etc/resolv.conf and create a new one, containing barely nameserver Test that your local DNS works correctly, resolving Internet names.
  3. Put the following in the named.conf:

zone "mydomain.local" { type forward; forward only; forwarders { Your-VPN-DNS-IP; }; };

  1. Test it again, both Internet and VPN resolution. If successful, you could add a search line to /etc/resolv.conf.