querySelector, wildcard element match?

[id^='someId'] will match all ids starting with someId.

[id$='someId'] will match all ids ending with someId.

[id*='someId'] will match all ids containing someId.

If you're looking for the name attribute just substitute id with name.

If you're talking about the tag name of the element I don't believe there is a way using querySelector

3rd party edit


  • Find all nodes whose aria-label starts with Important_foo
  • for each node found log its aria-label to the console


var nodeList = document.querySelectorAll('[aria-label^="Important_foo"]');
nodeList.forEach(node=> { console.log(node.getAttribute("aria-label"))});

I was messing/musing on one-liners involving querySelector() & ended up here, & have a possible answer to the OP question using tag names & querySelector(), with credits to @JaredMcAteer for answering MY question, aka have RegEx-like matches with querySelector() in vanilla Javascript

Hoping the following will be useful & fit the OP's needs or everyone else's:

// basically, of before:
var youtubeDiv = document.querySelector('iframe[src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Jk5lTqQzoKA"]')

// after     
var youtubeDiv = document.querySelector('iframe[src^="http://www.youtube.com"]');
// or even, for my needs
var youtubeDiv = document.querySelector('iframe[src*="youtube"]');

Then, we can, for example, get the src stuff, etc ...

//> "http://www.youtube.com/embed/Jk5lTqQzoKA"
//> (...)