iTunes Connect: How to choose a good SKU?

Solution 1:

You are able to choose one that you like, but it has to be unique.

Every time I have to enter the SKU I use the App identifier (e.g. de.mycompany.myappname) because this is already unique.

Solution 2:

SKU stands for Stock-keeping Unit. It's more for inventory tracking purpose.

The purpose of having an SKU is so that you can tie the app sales to whatever internal SKU number that your accounting is using.

Solution 3:

Might be answer is late but look at Simple Information of SKU (Stock keeping unit) number is, it's an unique tracking number (an arbi­trary num­ber) that are used in appStore for your application. You can put what­ever you want in there as long as it is unique among your appli­ca­tions. Try to fol­low a pat­tern for the SKU Num­ber of your apps so that you will be able to bet­ter orga­nize them. I sug­gest a com­bi­na­tion of the cur­rent year + month + ID for your app. So if you’re devel­op­ing your first appli­ca­tion on september 1991 (oh,, yah it's my b'day's month and year :D ), you could put your SKU Num­ber as “19910901”. Here, I am just suggesting you for this pattern but you can take/choose any pattern which easy for you.

Solution 4:

As others have noted, "SKU" stands for stock keeping unit. Here's what I find currently (3 February 2017) in the Apple documentation regarding the "SKU Number:"

SKU Number

A unique ID for your app in the Apple system that is not seen by users. You can use letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores. The SKU can’t
start with a hyphen, period, or underscore. Use a value that is meaningful to your organization. Can’t be edited after saving the iTunes Connect record.

(internet archive link:) iTunes Connect Properties