C# array within a struct

Want to do this: (EDIT: bad sample code, ignore and skip below)

struct RECORD {
    char[] name = new char[16];
    int dt1;
struct BLOCK {
    char[] version = new char[4];
    int  field1;
    int  field2;
    RECORD[] records = new RECORD[15];
    char[] filler1 = new char[24];

But being unable to declare array sizes in struct, how do I reconfigure this?

EDIT: The reason for the layout is I'm using BinaryReader to read a file written with C structs. Using BinaryReader, and a C# struct union (FieldOffset(0)), I'm wanting to load the header as a byte array, then read it as it was intended originally.

unsafe struct headerLayout
    char[] version = new char[4];
    int fileOsn;
    int fileDsn;
    // and other fields, some with arrays of simple types

struct headerUnion                  // 2048 bytes in header
    public byte[] headerBytes;      // for BinaryReader
    public headerLayout header;     // for field recognition

Use fixed size buffers:

unsafe struct headerUnion                  // 2048 bytes in header
    public fixed byte headerBytes[2048];      
    public headerLayout header; 

Alternativ you can just use the struct and read it with the following extension method:

private static T ReadStruct<T>(this BinaryReader reader)
        where T : struct
    Byte[] buffer = new Byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T))];
    reader.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
    GCHandle handle = default(GCHandle);
        handle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
        return (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(T));
        if (handle.IsAllocated) 

Unmanaged structures can contain embedded arrays. By default, these embedded array fields are marshaled as a SAFEARRAY. In the following example, s1 is an embedded array that is allocated directly within the structure itself.

Unmanaged representation
struct MyStruct {
    short s1[128];

Arrays can be marshaled as UnmanagedType.ByValArray, which requires you to set the MarshalAsAttribute.SizeConst field. The size can be set only as a constant. The following code shows the corresponding managed definition of MyStruct. C#VB

public struct MyStruct {
   [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=128)] public short[] s1;

I wouldn't use that pattern in the first place. This kind of memory mapping may be appropriate in c, but not in a high level language like C#.

I'd just write a call to the binary reader for each member I want to read. This means you can use classes and write them in a clean high level way.

It also takes care of endian issues. Whereas memory mapping will break when used on different endian systems.

Related question: Casting a byte array to a managed structure

So your code would look similar to the following (add access modifiers etc.):

class Record
    char[] name;
    int dt1;
class Block {
    char[] version;
    int  field1;
    int  field2;
    RECORD[] records;
    char[] filler1;

class MyReader
    BinaryReader Reader;

    Block ReadBlock()
        Block block=new Block();
        block.records=new Record[15];
        for(int i=0;i<block.records.Length;i++)
        return block;

    Record ReadRecord()

    public MyReader(BinaryReader reader)