find all functions (including private) in a package

Solution 1:

you can use asNamespace:

> methods(cbind)
[1] cbind.grobGrid   cbind.ts*       

   Non-visible functions are asterisked
> r <- unclass(lsf.str(envir = asNamespace("stats"), all = T))
> r[grep("cbind.ts", r)]
[1] ".cbind.ts" "cbind.ts" 

cbind.ts in stats package is invisible but can find in envir = asNamespace("stats").

Solution 2:

This appears to be something of a perennial here.

If it's this one-liners you're after then this should be a contender (credit @Joshua):

ls(getNamespace("grid"), all.names=TRUE)

(Link is to a question that was asked after the above, but closely related).

As grid is a base package and I haven't yet moved up to R 3... I'm getting 756 functions with Version 2.15.1. vs. 503 from the unclass solution.