Is there a word for "wild animals that aren't afraid of people"?

I'm looking for a word or phrase to describe wild animals that are not afraid of people.

I don't believe that tame fits, as it seems to be the opposite of wild. Domesticated doesn't fit either.

For a more specific example of the case in question:

The groundhogs and squirrels on campus are crazy! Sometimes they even let people pet them.

These animals would be called what?

Solution 1:

Habituated, past participle of habituate (“To turn into a habit, to make habitual”), is sometimes used. See, for example, the Habituation wikipedia article for examples of habituation in animals, such as “the response becomes habituated if the stimulus repeatedly occurs but causes no harm. An example of this is the prairie dog habituating to humans”.

Animalbehavioronline provides a similar example, remarking that prairie dogs “collectively ... are quite well-defended, as their alarm calls facilitate escape in burrows. When prairie dog towns are located near trails used by humans, giving alarm calls every time a person walks by is a waste of time and energy for the group. Habituation to humans is an important adaptation in this context.”

Solution 2:

The word friendly, would be suitable in this context.