How to show git files in Finder?

This may be too close to a duplicate for Git plug-in for Finder?, but I'm after a tool that will merely show me whether there is a repo in the current directory, and the state of the files within.

  • I don't want to view all invisible files
  • I want to continue using Finder (I like PathFinder, but not always)
  • I don't need to run git commands on the files, just see their state

I'm thinking of an interface like Dropbox (see image), or TortoiseSVN for windows... any suggestions or workarounds?

Dropbox's synced indicators in Finder

Maybe its possible to create a folder automation? (never done such a thing! if it sounds plausible, I'll read up on it)

Thanks, Tim

An update, as there's been movement on this question...

There is a question on SO: How can i add icon overlay in finder? where a comments include Apples update of points to the TortoiseSVN Subversion client and a search turned up the following 2yo git repo with some demo code for 10.7: Finder-Icon-Overlay.

If I get around to messing around with an implementation, I'll update this answer.