RDP file with embedded password asks for password

I had the issue on Windows 10 with perma asking password when I try to connect to a new machine.

First, the password line in the RDP must be named:

password 51:b:myEncryptedPassword

And the pass must by encrypted. You can use cryptRDP5 to convert it: https://github.com/jps-networks-modifiedOSS/openvpn-als-applications/tree/master/adito-application-rdp-xplatform-embedded/src/windows

cryptRDP5.exe yourpassword

Note that the generated password is only valid for the machine that did it.

Open the Group Policy editor (Start > Run > gpedit.msc) and navigate to Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Connection Client

For value Do not allow passwords to be saved, check that is set to Disabled.

When connecting to a machine in Remote Desktop Connector, expand the Options panel and confirm that Allow me to save credentials is checked.

Try adding

prompt for credentials:i:0

I didn't managed to do this by modifying the .rdp. But a workaround is, to change the settings of the remote desktop connection application. In Preferences -> User Accounts you can add your account + password:

enter image description here