Steam store not working on Ubuntu 16.04

I have installed Steam on Ubuntu.

I have already used PlayOnLinux and Wine to get Steam up, but nothing ever shows up in the store. I installed Steam using the instructions on this video:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
sudo apt-get install playonlinux

Run playonlinux and select "Install a program", search for Steam and install it, clicking yes to everything in the dialog.

Solution 1:

Welcome to AskUbuntu!

I've had this problem before, it seems to be actually a known issue with web-based UI elements:

You can try starting steam with -no-cef-sandbox argument. (Although it may be a security risk. I would use it as a temporary solution). enter image description here

Solution 2:

For those adding the -no-cef-sandbox option, and it still not working, I found that when installing Steam via winetricks, the .desktop file that's placed on the desktop actually links to a shortcut on the wine prefixes desktop folder. Adding the -no-cef-sandbox option will not work here as it needs to be passed directly to .exe.

If you open the desktop file in an editor

gedit Steam.desktop

and point directly to Steam.exe by editing the Exec attribute. In my case:

Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/nick/.wine" wine "/home/nick/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steam.exe" -no-cef-sandbox

*Don't forget to change the user, and ensure the path is correct for your install

This allowed the store page to load in my case.