renaming files in a directory + subdirectories in python

I have some files that I'm working with in a python script. The latest requirement is that I go into a directory that the files will be placed in and rename all files by adding a datestamp and project name to the beginning of the filename while keeping the original name.

i.e. foo.txt becomes 2011-12-28_projectname_foo.txt

Building the new tag was easy enough, it's just the renaming process that's tripping me up.

Solution 1:

Can you post what you have tried?

I think you should just need to use os.walk with os.rename.

Something like this:

import os
from os.path import join

for root, dirs, files in os.walk('path/to/dir'):
    for name in files:
        newname = foo + name

Solution 2:

I know this is an older post of mine, but seeing as how it's been viewed quite a few times I figure I'll post what I did to resolve this.

import os

sv_name="(whatever it's named)"
survey=sv_name.replace(" ","_")
date=str(today).replace(" ","_")

[os.rename(f,str(namedate+"_"+f)) for f in os.listdir('.') if not f.startswith('.')]