Module A includes import B at its top. However under test conditions I'd like to mock B in A (mock A.B) and completely refrain from importing B.

In fact, B isn't installed in the test environment on purpose.

A is the unit under test. I have to import A with all its functionality. B is the module I need to mock. But how can I mock B within A and stop A from importing the real B, if the first thing A does is import B?

(The reason B isn't installed is that I use pypy for quick testing and unfortunately B isn't compatible with pypy yet.)

How could this be done?

Solution 1:

You can assign to sys.modules['B'] before importing A to get what you want:

import sys
sys.modules['B'] = __import__('mock_B')
import A


import B

Note does not exist, but when running no error is returned and print(A.B.__name__) prints mock_B. You still have to create a where you mock B's actual functions/variables/etc. Or you can just assign a Mock() directly:

import sys
sys.modules['B'] = Mock()
import A

Solution 2:

The builtin __import__ can be mocked with the 'mock' library for more control:

# Store original __import__
orig_import = __import__
# This will be the B module
b_mock = mock.Mock()

def import_mock(name, *args):
    if name == 'B':
        return b_mock
    return orig_import(name, *args)

with mock.patch('__builtin__.__import__', side_effect=import_mock):
    import A

Say A looks like:

import B

def a():
    return B.func()

A.a() returns b_mock.func() which can be mocked also.

b_mock.func.return_value = 'spam'
A.a()  # returns 'spam'

Note for Python 3: As stated in the changelog for 3.0, __builtin__ is now named builtins:

Renamed module __builtin__ to builtins (removing the underscores, adding an ‘s’).

The code in this answer works fine if you replace __builtin__ by builtins for Python 3.

Solution 3:

How to mock an import, (mock A.B)?

Module A includes import B at its top.

Easy, just mock the library in sys.modules before it gets imported:

if wrong_platform():
    sys.modules['B'] = mock.MagicMock()

and then, so long as A doesn't rely on specific types of data being returned from B's objects:

import A

should just work.

You can also mock import A.B:

This works even if you have submodules, but you'll want to mock each module. Say you have this:

from foo import This, That, andTheOtherThing
from import Yada, YadaYada
from foo.baz import Blah, getBlah, boink

To mock, simply do the below before the module that contains the above is imported:

sys.modules['foo'] = MagicMock()
sys.modules[''] = MagicMock()
sys.modules['foo.baz'] = MagicMock()

(My experience: I had a dependency that works on one platform, Windows, but didn't work on Linux, where we run our daily tests. So I needed to mock the dependency for our tests. Luckily it was a black box, so I didn't need to set up a lot of interaction.)

Mocking Side Effects

Addendum: Actually, I needed to simulate a side-effect that took some time. So I needed an object's method to sleep for a second. That would work like this:

sys.modules['foo'] = MagicMock()
sys.modules[''] = MagicMock()
sys.modules['foo.baz'] = MagicMock()
# setup the side-effect:
from time import sleep

def sleep_one(*args): 

# this gives us the mock objects that will be used
from import MyObject 
my_instance = MyObject()
# mock the method!
my_instance.method_that_takes_time = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=sleep_one)

And then the code takes some time to run, just like the real method.