Searching for a tabbed SSH client with multi-execution support for Ubuntu

The best solution i found by far is byobu (maybe running in your client machine in your situation). Its a terminal app based on tmux (also can use screen instead) and can achieve what you want and has other great features like notifications which make it nearly an imperative for me (I use it also on my Arch based systems).

  • You can make splits on the same window, and also make multiple windows.

  • Then you can enter a command(s) to all windows (with Ctrl+F9) or splits (with Shift+F9).

  • Handles multiple (de)atachable running sessions (instances).

  • Also you can set profiles to start byobu sessions with certain config (splits, windows, commands like ssh...).

  • Notifications _(updates, reboot required...) and systray-like "indicators" (cpu, mem, entropy, wlan strength...).

Check this post from the father of this great tool (Dustin Kirkland from Canonical cloud staff), with a simple but usefull video tutorial.

If you are looking for a native Linux SSH session manager similar to puTTy/SecureCRT, I heartily recommend PAC Manager.

Update 20190426: As @rince has kindly pointed out, there is now a fork of PAC Manager available on GitHub called Asbru Connection Manager that is being actively developed. It appears to maintain the same functionality as PAC Manager.

PAC Manager/Asbru is basically a GUI frontend to manage your SSH sessions by name, group, vendor types, device, switch, routers, firewall groups. You can also set up scripting, KeePass integration, etc.

Here is a brief list of some of their features:

  • Unique Linux app to implement SecureCRT's functionality (more or less!)
  • Remote and local macros
  • Remotely send commands with EXPECT regexp
  • Cluster connections. Connections on same cluster share keystrokes.
  • Scripting support. (vía Perl code)
  • Serial/tty connection via cu/tip/remote-tty connections.
  • Pre/post connections local executions
  • TABS OR WINDOWS for connections.
  • Proxy support
  • KeePass integration
  • Wake On LAN capabilities
  • Possibility to split terminals in the same TAB
  • Quick access to configured connections via tray menu icon
  • Best Linux GUI for ssh, telnet, sftp, rdesktop, vnc, cu, remote-tty, ftp, etc)

The PAC Manager application is available as either a .deb, .rpm, or as a traditional .tar.gz.

Installation instructions can be found here.

The Asbru Connection Manager application can be installed with the following commands:

curl -s | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install asbru-cm

I'm not sure how active current development on PAC Manager is; but, as a network engineer, I find it useful in environments with a large number of devices.

I have successfully used PAC Manager on Xubuntu 12.04, 16.04, and 18.04. installations. I've also successfully installed Asbru Connection Manager on 10.04 and it appears to work on 19.04 as well.