Very large uploads with PHP

upload_max_filesize can be set on a per-directory basis; the same goes for post_max_size


<Directory /uploadpath/>
  php_value upload_max_filesize 10G
  php_value post_max_size 10G

Python Handler?

Using a Python POST handler instead of PHP. Generate a unique identifier from your PHP app that the client can put in the HTTP headers. With mod_python to reject or accept the large upload before the entire POST body is transmitted.

I think

Allows you to check headers and decline the rest of the POST input. I haven't tried it but might be the right path?

Looking at the source of mod_python, the buffering of the input via read() seems to allow bit-at-a-time evaluation of the HTTP input. Headers are first.

It's old I know, but maybe someone have this problem nowdays ,too. Now you can do this with only Javascript and, say, PHP. No Flash or Java required on client side.


The idea is to slice the files with Javascript's Blob slice() method...

How about a Java applet? That's how we had to do it at a company I previously worked for. I know applets suck, especially in this day and age with all our options available, but they really are the most versatile solution to desktop-like problems encountered in web development. Just something to consider.

You can set the post_max_size for just scripts in 1 directory. Place your upload script there, and allow only that script to handle large sizes. It's still possible for that script to be attacked with large/useless files, but it avoids setting it globally.

Use that with APC and you might be able to work out something good: IBM Developer works article on APC