Get all types implementing specific open generic type

How do I get all types that implementing a specific open generic type?

For instance:

public interface IUserRepository : IRepository<User>

Find all types that implement IRepository<>.

public static IEnumerable<Type> GetAllTypesImplementingOpenGenericType(Type openGenericType, Assembly assembly)

This will return all types that inherit a generic base class. Not all types that inherit a generic interface.

var AllTypesOfIRepository = from x in Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(AnyTypeInTargetAssembly)).GetTypes()
 let y = x.BaseType
 where !x.IsAbstract && !x.IsInterface &&
 y != null && y.IsGenericType &&
 y.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IRepository<>)
 select x;

This will return all types, including interfaces, abstracts, and concrete types that have the open generic type in its inheritance chain.

public static IEnumerable<Type> GetAllTypesImplementingOpenGenericType(Type openGenericType, Assembly assembly)
    return from x in assembly.GetTypes()
            from z in x.GetInterfaces()
            let y = x.BaseType
            (y != null && y.IsGenericType &&
            openGenericType.IsAssignableFrom(y.GetGenericTypeDefinition())) ||
            (z.IsGenericType &&
            select x;

This second method will find ConcreteUserRepo and IUserRepository in this example:

public class ConcreteUserRepo : IUserRepository

public interface IUserRepository : IRepository<User>

public interface IRepository<User>

public class User

Solution implemented without LINQ, searching both generic and non generic interfaces, filtering the return type to classes.

public static class SampleCode
    public static void Main()
        IList<Type> loadableTypes;

        // instance the dummy class used to find the current assembly
        DummyClass dc = new DummyClass();

        loadableTypes = GetClassesImplementingAnInterface(dc.GetType().Assembly, typeof(IMsgXX)).Item2;
        foreach (var item in loadableTypes) {Console.WriteLine("1: " + item);}
        // print
        // 1: Start2.MessageHandlerXY

        loadableTypes = GetClassesImplementingAnInterface(dc.GetType().Assembly, typeof(IHandleMessageG<>)).Item2;
        foreach (var item in loadableTypes) { Console.WriteLine("2: " + item); }
        // print
        // 2: Start2.MessageHandlerXY
        // 2: Start2.MessageHandlerZZ

    ///<summary>Read all classes in an assembly that implement an interface (generic, or not generic)</summary>
    // some references
    // return all types implementing an interface
    // return all types implementing a generic interface
    public static Tuple<bool, IList<Type>> GetClassesImplementingAnInterface(Assembly assemblyToScan, Type implementedInterface)
        if (assemblyToScan == null)
            return Tuple.Create(false, (IList<Type>)null);

        if (implementedInterface == null || !implementedInterface.IsInterface)
            return Tuple.Create(false, (IList<Type>)null);

        IEnumerable<Type> typesInTheAssembly;

            typesInTheAssembly = assemblyToScan.GetTypes();
        catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e)
            typesInTheAssembly = e.Types.Where(t => t != null);

        IList<Type> classesImplementingInterface = new List<Type>();

        // if the interface is a generic interface
        if (implementedInterface.IsGenericType)
            foreach (var typeInTheAssembly in typesInTheAssembly)
                if (typeInTheAssembly.IsClass)
                    var typeInterfaces = typeInTheAssembly.GetInterfaces();
                    foreach (var typeInterface in typeInterfaces)
                        if (typeInterface.IsGenericType)
                            var typeGenericInterface = typeInterface.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                            var implementedGenericInterface = implementedInterface.GetGenericTypeDefinition();

                            if (typeGenericInterface == implementedGenericInterface)
            foreach (var typeInTheAssembly in typesInTheAssembly)
                if (typeInTheAssembly.IsClass)
                    // if the interface is a non-generic interface
                    if (implementedInterface.IsAssignableFrom(typeInTheAssembly))
        return Tuple.Create(true, classesImplementingInterface);

public class DummyClass

public interface IHandleMessageG<T>

public interface IHandleMessage

public interface IMsgXX

public interface IMsgXY

public interface IMsgZZ

public class MessageHandlerXY : IHandleMessageG<IMsgXY>, IHandleMessage, IMsgXX
    public string Handle(string a)
        return "aaa";

public class MessageHandlerZZ : IHandleMessageG<IMsgZZ>, IHandleMessage
    public string Handle(string a)
        return "bbb";