Change Firefox address bar behavior

In Firefox, when you type java.util.Scanner into the address bar, Firefox will attempt to connect to http://java.util.Scanner, which is not what I intended.

I have tried disabling browser.fixup.alternate.enabled to no avail.

I'm looking for a way for Firefox to perform a search using my default search engine when given anything that isn't a valid URL. Specifically in this example, I would like the address bar string java.util.Scanner end up at (or whatever my default search is).

In Firefox, when you type java.util.Scanner into the address bar, Firefox will attempt to connect to http://java.util.Scanner, which is not what I intended.

If you add a ' character before any search term that looks like a url then firefox will perform a normal search.

For example:


Will end up with the following string in the address bar:

And the search results will be as expected.