Restricting SSH shell access to Debian server

Solution 1:

You can use ForceCommand to avoid giving any shell access to the user.

         Forces the execution of the command specified by ForceCommand,
         ignoring any command supplied by the client and ~/.ssh/rc if pre-
         sent.  The command is invoked by using the user's login shell
         with the -c option.  This applies to shell, command, or subsystem
         execution.  It is most useful inside a Match block.  The command
         originally supplied by the client is available in the
         SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND environment variable.  Specifying a command
         of ``internal-sftp'' will force the use of an in-process sftp
         server that requires no support files when used with

Solution 2:

If you're really looking to limit access, then I'd suggest using sudo and enable only the commands necessary for this user to administer the applications you choose.