How to change one element while hovering over another

I have looked at several other questions but I can't seem to figure any of them out, so here is my problem: I would like to have a div or a span, when you hover over it an area would appear and would be like a drop down.

Such as I have an div, and I want to hover over it and have it show some info about the item I hovered over

<styles type="css/text">

  #cheetah {
      background-color: red;
      color: yellow;
      text-align: center;

  a {
      color: blue;

  #hidden {
      background-color: black;

   a:hover > #hidden {
      background-color: orange;
      color: orange;

  <div id="cheetah">
     <p><a href="#">Cheetah</a></p>
  <div id="hidden">
     <p>A cheetah is a land mammal that can run up 2 60mph!!!</p>

But this ^ doesn't seem to work, I don't know why... and if there is a way to do that in CSS, I would like to know, but I want any and all suggestions.

You can achieve this in CSS only if the hidden div is a child of the element you use for hovering:

You cannot affect a non-child element using :hover from within CSS2, which is supported by all common browsers.

You can affect a sibling element using CSS2.1 selectors, like so:

a:hover + .sibling { ... }

However, this only works for direct siblings. This means you could have HTML like this:

<p><a href="#">Cheetah</a> <span class="sibling">Blah Blah Blah</span></p>

Notice that the a and the span are direct siblings.

Here's a fiddle showing the siblings working:

However, not all browsers support the CSS2.1 sibling selectors, so you need to decide based on your target audience if you can use this or not.

Edit: Corrected my mistake on the CSS version for the + selector: it's 2.1 that defines it, not CSS3. I also added a link showing browser support. Otherwise, the answer is the same.

Or, if you're open to it, use jQuery.

Something like this would work:

$("#element") // select your element (supports CSS selectors)
    .hover(function(){ // trigger the mouseover event
        $("#otherElement") // select the element to show (can be anywhere)
            .show(); // show the element
    }, function(){ // trigger the mouseout event
        $("#otherElement") // select the same element
            .hide(); // hide it

And remember to wrap this in a DOM ready function ($(function(){...}); or $(document).ready(function(){...});).

You can absolutely do this in CSS3 now using the ~ adjacent sibling selector.

triggerSelector:hover ~ targetSelector {
    display: block;

For example, if you want a tooltip to appear when hovering over an adjacent button:

.button:hover ~ .tooltip {
    display: block;