Method 1

With the following command

xrandr --output HDMI1 --rate 75

Where the string after --output is the name of the monitor and the number after --rate is the new refresh rate

Or, if you want to make sure the resolution is correct too in the same command

xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1280x1024 --rate 75

See man xrandr and the following link to learn more

Method 2

You should have a file monitors.xml (~/.config/monitors.xml)

Edit the file with your favorite text editor

vim ~/.config/monitors.xml

You will see monitors available, and you should recognize them by name.

Here's some example information you will see about a monitor


There's the line


Replace the current refresh rate with a new one. For example


Save the file and reboot, and the new refresh rate will take place.

NOTE: Make sure that monitor's resolution supports the refresh rate you are going to change