Unable to log in to my system

I can no longer log in to my system after running this command :

sudo chown -R &USER: $HOME

as ROOT because I couldn't access a certain file.

Now I can't log in again.

Here's how I solved my problem following Zanna recommendation.

  1. I booted into Recovery mode by holding the Shift key when restarting. When the GRUB menu shows, I selected the option that started with Advanced Option which shows options like Ubuntu GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.8.0-26-generic (recovery mode). I chose the first option with recovery mode and then selected Enable networking.
  2. I chose root shell prompt after (1) and ran the command sudo chown -R username: /home/username where username is my username. After the process finished running, I exited the shell and restarted my system.

And Voila! I was able to log in again with no files affected, everything was intact. :)