An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property?

Solution 1:

Is by any chance Form1 the name of the class?

You need to have a reference to an instance of the form class.

Since okBtn is not on the same form, you need to give the MaxScore form a reference to the Form1 instance.

For instance, you can add this to your MaxScore form:

public Form1 MainForm { get; set; }

And then in your okBtn_Click method, you'll write this:

private void okBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MainForm.myGameCountLbl.Text = MainForm.max.ToString();
    MainForm.compGameCountLbl.Text = MainForm.max.ToString();

and then when you're constructing MaxScore from Form1 (I'm assuming that's what you're doing):

using (MaxScore scoreForm = new MaxScore())
    scoreForm.MainForm = this;

Solution 2:

I agree with @lassevk with regards to resolving your issue. I'd also recommend wrapping the behavior of setting the labels into a method within the Form1 class, which simply helps keep your code cleaner and keeps the responsibility/knowledge of what fields to update and how to update them contained within the parent form. You'd simply define a public method in Form1 that takes a string value and updates the specific labels with that value. Then in the MaxScore form, in your button click event handler, you'd call that method rather than try to access those label controls directly.

Just food for thought.