C pointer to array/array of pointers disambiguation

Solution 1:

int* arr[8]; // An array of int pointers.
int (*arr)[8]; // A pointer to an array of integers

The third one is same as the first.

The general rule is operator precedence. It can get even much more complex as function pointers come into the picture.

Solution 2:

Use the cdecl program, as suggested by K&R.

$ cdecl
Type `help' or `?' for help
cdecl> explain int* arr1[8];
declare arr1 as array 8 of pointer to int
cdecl> explain int (*arr2)[8]
declare arr2 as pointer to array 8 of int
cdecl> explain int *(arr3[8])
declare arr3 as array 8 of pointer to int

It works the other way too.

cdecl> declare x as pointer to function(void) returning pointer to float
float *(*x)(void )