How can I check whether port 5060 is open in centos? [closed]

How can I check whether port 5060 is open in centos? How can I test if my linux has real a real IP address and I set no iptables blocking rules or is there any tools which I can run in my linux so my internet provider's IP or gateway is able to listen or send with port 5060?

nmap -v -sV localhost -p 5060 will tell you the truth. You can also use: netstat -apnt | grep 5060 or ss -aln

lsof -i:5060 will not only show if it is open but what its actually doing.


[email protected]# lsof -i:5060
asterisk 1146 root   18u  IPv4 0xffffff000a053c60      0t0  UDP *:sip
asterisk 1146 root   18u  IPv4 0xffffff000a053c60      0t0  UDP *:sip
asterisk 1146 root   18u  IPv4 0xffffff000a053c60      0t0  UDP *:sip

If you're checking specifically for asterisk, asterisk -r and then sip show channels will show if its listening and or doing anything with items connected.

If you think iptables is mucking with your results turn it off for your initial test. service iptables stop

The other high voted nmap command is wrong, as it's a TCP scan. Use this instead:

sudo nmap -v -sU -p 5060

Since you initially posted here ^^

Nmap is a great tool for scanning ports, however since you do have access to each endpoints, I would rather use netcat to troubleshoot this.

According Wikipedia, SIP listen on 5060 / 5061 (UDP or TCP). To verify what port is listening, you can use one of those commands on the SIP server:

  • netstat -ant
  • tcpview (tcpvcon)

Once you know which port is listening, you can use Netcat (ncat, socat, iperf) to verify if a firewall blocks the connection/port.

  1. Stop SIP Server, so the port become available for you to test/use
  2. Run: netcat -l [-u] 506[0-1]
  3. From the client: netcat SIP_Server_IP_FQDN [-u] 506[0-1]
  4. Type some random text on the an endpoint, if it appears on the other endpoint then the traffic is not blocked.

enter image description here

-u is for UDP, default is TCP

-l is for listening(server-mode), default is client-mode

If you have another machine running on the same network, try:

telnet <centos-machine-ip> 5060

If you're able to open a connection, then the port is open. You could also get yourself a copy of NMAP and port-scan your centos machine. If the ports are closed, check system-config-securitylevel and verify that your firewall is allowing connections.

I think you're also asking how to forward a port from your internet router to your centos machine (to host a web site from your house or something). If that's so, you'll need to figure out how to access your router, then forward a port from the router to your centos machine.

If it doesn't work, call your ISP and ask them how to do it. However, most ISPs block access to the common ports (most ISPs don't like people running web servers or mail servers from their house).