PBKDF2 using CommonCrypto on iOS
Here's how i generate AES256 keys. The only interesting this is that i get CommonCrypto to estimate for me how many rounds to use. It seems pretty straightforwards.
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonKeyDerivation.h>
// Makes a random 256-bit salt
- (NSData*)generateSalt256 {
unsigned char salt[32];
for (int i=0; i<32; i++) {
salt[i] = (unsigned char)arc4random();
return [NSData dataWithBytes:salt length:32];
// Make keys!
NSString* myPass = @"MyPassword1234";
NSData* myPassData = [myPass dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSData* salt = [self generateSalt256];
// How many rounds to use so that it takes 0.1s ?
int rounds = CCCalibratePBKDF(kCCPBKDF2, myPassData.length, salt.length, kCCPRFHmacAlgSHA256, 32, 100);
// Open CommonKeyDerivation.h for help
unsigned char key[32];
CCKeyDerivationPBKDF(kCCPBKDF2, myPassData.bytes, myPassData.length, salt.bytes, salt.length, kCCPRFHmacAlgSHA256, rounds, key, 32);
- Add this library to your project libcommonCrypto.dylib
- #import into hash key generation class.
- use following code to generate hash key.
This is the code what i have used:
// Salt data getting from salt string.
NSData *saltData = [@"Salt String" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
// Data of String to generate Hash key(hexa decimal string).
NSData *passwordData = [@"Hash key generated string" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
// Hash key (hexa decimal) string data length.
NSMutableData *hashKeyData = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH];
// Key Derivation using PBKDF2 algorithm.
int result = CCKeyDerivationPBKDF(kCCPBKDF2, passwordData.bytes, passwordData.length, saltData.bytes, saltData.length, kCCPRFHmacAlgSHA1, 1000, hashKeyData.mutableBytes, hashKeyData.length);
// Hexa decimal or hash key string from hash key data.
NSString *hexDecimalString = hashKeyData.description;
NSLog(@"Hexa decimal string:%@", hexDecimalString);
Are you building for iOS5 ? or earlier versions ?
Both API, CCKeyDerivationPBKDF
and CCCalibratePBKDF
, defined in the header file are only available on IOS5 (or OSX 10.7) and later.
You can make sure the file exists by executing this inside a terminal window:
$ find /Developer/ -name CommonKeyDerivation.h