Failure to download "ttf-mscorefonts-installer". Not even reinstall works! [duplicate]

There is an issue with the sourceforge downloads (mirrors and redirects being slow and/or failing). To workaround this you can grab the files manually from here for example: and save them in the same directory (say mscorefonts).

The files are (from the installer): Those files are in the Microsoft Windows self-installing format, and are named

andale32.exe, arial32.exe, arialb32.exe, comic32.exe, courie32.exe, georgi32.exe, impact32.exe, times32.exe, trebuc32.exe, verdan32.exe and webdin32.exe.

Make sure the package is purged and no remaining setup triggers are remaining:

sudo apt-get remove --purge ttf-mscorefonts-installer

Then in a terminal run:

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer #(this will fail again most likely)
sudo dpkg-reconfigure ttf-mscorefonts-installer

That should give you a "graphical" interface in the terminal. Then point to the directory with downloaded files like /home//Downloads/mscorefonts.

Make sure no deb files are in there, the seem to be picked up too and then it fails.

That fixed it for me. I got a popup later for a post install action, I just let it run and it did not come back. Please register at launchpad and mark yourself as affected to the bug: so it will get more priority. Thank you.