How does the secret room system work in Torchlight 2?

Solution 1:

Okay, so feel free to edit this.

Do secret rooms exist in the "main world" or only in instances?

I have only found secret rooms in instanced dungeons.

Is there a limit of how many secret rooms that can be generated for each area/instance?

So far, I think I have have found a max of 3 secret rooms in a single floor inside of a dungeon. Those were real secret rooms, not associated with that dungeon (like the broken detonators that require plungers to work etc.)

An instance can have several levels, is there always a secret room for each level?

I haven't found a secret in every level of an instance, but I could have missed them.

How many different types of secret room door-opening-mechanisms are there?

We have found three so far:

  • vine bridges extending (instance specific?)
  • using a detonator to destroy a rock wall (instance specific?)
  • clickable picture-frames or tablets on walls (instance specific?)

What determines the content of a secret room?

I have no idea, but I suspect it's automatically generated somehow.

Solution 2:

  1. Only in instances as far as I've seen.

  2. I just found a dungeon with 4 secret rooms on a single level (though there may have been more I missed). I also find dungeons with no secret rooms (though again, I may just be missing them).

  3. I've seen detonators blowing up a wall, breaking specific vases to open up a vine bridge, tablets on walls, levers, and not sure what else. Oh, and some where you just walk farther then the minimap shows you can go.

  4. No idea how it works, sorry (except I've had hidden rooms with amazing loot, and hidden rooms with virtually nothing. I'm assuming it's random, just like most of the rest of the loot in this game).

Solution 3:

In dungeons that have the blue crystals and large vines/roots, often secret rooms are accessed by breaking a "Urn" next to a row of teeth like vines. Just like other Urns, the text "Urn" appears above it, but it is unique in that it has green lights and smoke and is next to the row of vine stubs. Sometimes the Urn is on your side of the bridge, and sometimes it's on the other side, making it easy to not notice, and you must hold shift+fire to break it:

Secret path urnSecret path appears after