Difference between "explain" and "describe" [closed]

Describe is used mostly to call for statements about the sensory experience of the respondent.

Describe that painting.
Describe what you were feeling.
Describe the experience of playing on Stack Exchange.

Explain calls for an analysis of mechanisms, motives, justifications or relationships, many of which are not available to the senses.

Explain how an internal combustion engine works.
Explain the Peter Principle.
Explain yourself!

I think an explanation is a specific description of something. Describing is kind of an overarching verb, and explaining is describing with a certain goal in mind. To describe is to give an account of something and any details pertaining to that something. To explain is to give an account of something and any details pertaining to that something with the goal of clarifying it to someone, or making something easier to understand, or making some concept known.