How quickly do crew suffocate without oxygen?

I'm in a situation where I'd like to teleport my men onto a drone, bust up their shields, then teleport back. As you may know, however, drones have no oxygen. I'm worried about how much damage my crew will take before the teleport cooldown depletes.

How many hitpoints do crewmen lose per second while in rooms with zero life support?

Solution 1:

I applied science with the following result:

It takes 15 seconds for a 100 HP crewmember entering a low oxygen room or a room running out of oxygen to die. This means they lose health at a rate of 6.67 HP/s. This rate appears to be constant across all races, meaning

  • Rockmen get killed after 22.5 seconds
  • Humans, Mantis, Engi, Slugs get killed after 15 seconds
  • Zoltans after 10.5 seconds.

4 Humans, 2 Engi, a Rockman and a Mantis were killed performing this experiment.

Solution 2:

Asphyxiation does as much damage as a level 1 med-bay heals. More importantly, a level 1 teleporter will not recharge before most crew members will die (not sure about rockmen or crystalmen). A level 2 teleporter will recharge before a 100 hp crew member dies (not sure about a zoltan).

Crystal crew will have 60 health left when the level 1 teleporter is back online.