reload all running zsh instances
I typically have on the order of a dozen zsh processes running. When I edit my config files, I'd like a clean way to get them all to re-initialize. Ideally, this would not mean completely killing them all and restarting as that loses my working directory, any shell variables I had set locally, temporary aliases, etc. In a given shell, I can exec "${SHELL}"
and that works fine, but I want a way to force all active zsh instances under my login to do that.
You can define a trap function:
if [[ -o INTERACTIVE ]]; then
{echo; echo execute a new shell instance } 1>&2
exec "${SHELL}"
This funtion is called when the running shell catches a USR1
signal, initiated by kill -USR1 <PID>
. It checks if the running zsh instance is interactive and if so, replaces it with a new one.+
So, to update all your running zsh interactive session in one run, simply use
killall -USR1 zsh
But please be aware that if you have running zsh instances without the TRAPUSR1()
function defined, these will exit upon USR1
! That's why you should define the trap in /etc/zshenv
, as this is the only file which is read by every zsh instance,+ including scripts and sessions started with zsh -f
+ Credits go to @Adaephon, who pointed this out in a comment.