How do I kill Crystalisks?

Crystalisks don't seem to have any elemental weaknesses and soak up a lot of bullets. Since they hit pretty hard to, I'm hoping for an easier way to hit them. Is there an easy way to kill them?

The Crystalisk can be killed by sheer damage to anywhere on its body but, it takes the most damage when attacks are directed to the crystals on his legs. A melee attack can often break a crystal in a single hit, but sniper rifle and explosive weapons are quite good as well.

Crystalisks weak spots:

enter image description here

Sources: Borderlands wikia,Borderlands 2 wiki

Crystalisks are weak to melee damage. The crystals around their legs are their weak points (they only take damage here) and a single melee hit is often enough to destroy them. Even Crystalisk bosses have this extreme weakness. No matter your class or skills, melee is the best way to take care of these if at all possible.

Once you shatter all three of its crystal weak points, it dies. Whether or not this is proportional to your crit damage regardless is unknown to me, but failing a powerful sniper rifle, I've found the best way to deal with them early on to be rockets and mirv grenades, but it gets a little expensive on the ammo front. They are slow and actually rather docile, though, so if you don't HAVE to kill them to clear an area (like in the minecart quest) or as an objective, you can always just run away from them.

Plain damage sniper rifles work wonders. Generally takes a couple shots per leg, if that.