Thousands of .log files in Exchange 2007 Server folder

Solution 1:

Those logs are transaction files. Do not delete them.

I'm curious here, did you install this Exchange server on your own? Placing the storage group on the same disk volume as your OS, swap file etc is absolutely not the recommended configuration for Exchange server.

You should ASAP add more storage to your server, and place the Exchange storage on it.

Please read the following article: Exchange log disk is full, Prevention and Remedies

Solution 2:

The transaction logs should be cleared when you perform a full backup of the relevant database under normal operational conditions. When last did you perform a successful backup?

Solution 3:

What was needed wasn't just a backup of the server's OS volume or Exchange stores, but an Exchange-aware backup. From what I've read this functionality was only recently added natively to Exchange 07 (starting with SP2). The built-in Windows Server Backup tool can now officially make Exchange-aware backups and as soon as I configured that I magically had 30GB extra of free space. From what some people have said I agree that Exchange is a beast of a monstrosity not to be taken lightly and I clearly don't know as much as I should in administering it so I'll be looking for some training or at the very least some reading material. If anyone has some good suggestions (pauska? Evan?), feel free to comment.