Where is the NAT adapter on VirtualBox?

Solution 1:

Below is a screenshot of the VirtualBox NAT settings in Ubuntu 14.04. In order to show the Settings window shown in the screenshot, click the Settings icon (it looks like a gear) in the VirtualBox toolbar

Network Address Translation (NAT) NAT enables the guest machine to see out onto the Internet, but via a private IP address that cannot be seen from the host, or indeed, the rest of your physical network. It will allow you to browse the web, download files and view email inside the guest, but the outside world will never be able to communicate with the guest machine directly.1

NAT is the default type of network attachment in VirtualBox.

Clicking anywhere in the type of network attachment field marked by the mouse cursor in the screenshot will show a dropdown menu of several types of network attachments, including NAT and Host-only Adapter.

enter image description here

1How-to: VirtualBox Networking - NAT and Bridged