Jfree chart Find Subplot

This may sound very basic as a question, but i am stuck in JFreechart use.

Let me lay out my problem :

  1. I have a CombinedDomainXYPlot to which I add my subplots as and when required.
  2. I have used my custom JPopup menu and have included a menu item that is intended to provide user the facility to delete a particular subplot
  3. I am assuming that one can find a subplot using findSubplot method of the main plot. I am able to get mouse positions but not able to do anything with PlotRenderingInfo that's required as input.

Would appreciate some help.

You can get a List of subplots using getSubplots(). To learn which subplot was clicked, examine the ChartMouseEvent that was sent from the ChartPanel, as suggested here.

Addendum: Here's a simple implementation of ChartMouseListener that will show each ChartEntity as it is clicked.

ChartPanel panel = ...
panel.addChartMouseListener(new ChartMouseListener() {

    public void chartMouseClicked(ChartMouseEvent e) {

    public void chartMouseMoved(ChartMouseEvent event) {}