Setting nginx reverse proxy with rewrite to apply to all links in site

I have the following Nginx config:

server {
    listen 80;

    location /test {
        rewrite /test(.*) /$1 break;
        proxy_pass "";

This works well for the home page and when entering 'http://localhost/test' I get the content of and the URL remains 'http://localhost/test'.

Cool, but when I hit a link in the website, say /more_examples I want the link to be rewritten as such: http://localhost/test/more_examples. In practice, I get the following: http://localhost/more_examples, which obviously will not work. Is this even possible?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Solution 1:

I've tested your code and for me this works like you describe it:

location /test {
  rewrite /test(.*) $1 break;

I call http://localhost/test and for sub pages like this http://localhost/test/media.

I don't get any redirect or URL rewriting in my browser.

If you still get an URL redirect in your browser there must be a redirect in the website you're proxying or in your nginx config.