Allow 'block objects' from a specific site

Solution 1:

the noscript site states:

For example, setting the noscript.allowedMimeRegExp preference value to

  • FRAME@https?://somesite\.com
  • FONT@https?://some-other-site\.com
  • WebGL@https://www\.khronos\.org

will permanently allow any FRAME/IFRAME load from, web fonts from and WebGL 3D content from

I don't think the ABE can do it. One hacky way to enable the font only for a particular site/domain is to use Vimperator/Pentadactyl and change the MimeRegExp setting automatically on a LocationChange event. To revert the setting when leaving the page, you could use this simple function (got it from Anekos) in .vimperatorrc that uses an expression with a negative lookahead:

js <<EOM
function add_AutoCommand(URI, onEnter, onLeave) {
    let entered = false;
    autocommands.add('LocationChange', '(?!' + URI + ')', function () {
      if (entered) {
        entered = false;
    autocommands.add('LocationChange', URI, function () {
        entered = true;
    :set! noscript.allowedMimeRegExp="FONT@https?://some-other-site\.com", 
    :set! noscript.allowedMimeRegExp=" "

I haven't tested this but I will.

EDIT: it should be


...but noscript doesn't pick up on the preference unless the page is reloaded, so either manually reload or use tabs.reload(config.browser.mCurrentTab, false);

It seems that you should set a boolean and a timeout to prevent LocationChange to execute (thus, looping) the reload again. Perhaps another autocmd on the PageLoadPre event might be used for the boolean. This is getting quite ugly I know. Sorry.

ps. a more useful application of simple URL-based pref switching is obviously changing the download directory.

EDIT (2017): With uBlock Origin you can specifically target certain types of html objects, files or behaviors.

Both dynamic as well as static rules specify that origins are allowed for a domain/url. I've been using this for a few years now. Types include font as well as inline-script, stylesheet, image, object, script, xmlhttprequest, sub_frame, media, websocket, popunder and popup.

example rules:

* * 3p block
no-remote-fonts: * true
no-remote-fonts: false noop

which mean:

  1. block third party request from any page to anywhere
  2. block third party fonts on any page from anywhere
  3. re-enable third party fonts on a page on the domain from anywhere
  4. optionally re-enable request on our page to origins on the domain

With noop ('no operation') we still apply static rule filtering (commonly defined in distributed rules known as ad-blocking or malvertising lists).