How to emulate cron jobs on a Windows Server?

I'm running .NET on a windows box and I would like to have a function run every night at midnight. Of course since HTTP stateless and Windows doesn't have a "cron job" type function (that I know of), I will either have to visit my site myself every night at midnight or just wait for a user to visit the site to rely on it being updated.

Is there an alternative to this that I can create where something will automatically run at a certain time?

I'm pretty sure that Windows' task scheduler can do most things that cron can do. But I might be missing something.

Edit: Reached at Settings -> Control Panel -> Scheduled Tasks

If none of the other answers work for you, here's an option:

There are a bunch of server monitoring services out there that will make an http call to your site at regular intervals (every minute if you like). You can get 5 minute intervals for free on some of them.

Create a password protected page, that performs your function (if it hasn't been done yet today) and point that service at it.

At least this way you won't have to write anything additional, and you can rest easy knowing it doesn't rely on your home machine.