How to verify multiple method calls with different params
Solution 1:
Further reading has led me to try using ArgumentCaptors and the following works, although much more verbose than I would like.
ArgumentCaptor<String> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
verify(errors, atLeastOnce()).add(argument.capture(), any(ActionMessage.class));
List<String> values = argument.getAllValues();
Solution 2:
If the order of both add()
calls is relevant, you can use InOrder
InOrder inOrder = inOrder(errors);
inOrder.verify(errors).add(eq("exception.message"), any(ActionError.class));
inOrder.verify(errors).add(eq("exception.detail"), any(ActionError.class));
Solution 3:
Try something like this:
verify(errors, times(2))
.add(AdditionalMatchers.or(eq("exception.message"), eq("exception.detail")),
Solution 4:
you probably have a problem in your code. Because as a matter of fact you actually write this code:
Map<Character, String> map = mock(Map.class);
map.put('a', "a");
map.put('b', "b");
map.put('c', "c");
verify(map).put(eq('c'), anyString());
verify(map).put(eq('a'), anyString());
verify(map).put(eq('b'), anyString());
Note the first verify is not even in order in regard of the actual invocations.
Also, I would recommand you to actually don't mock types you don't own, eg the struts type.
[EDIT @Brad]
After running Brice's code (above) in my IDE I can see that I have used ActionError instead of ActionMessage, so that is why my verify() was not matching. The error message I initially posted was misleading me into thinking it was the first argument that was not matching. It turns out it was the second argument.
So the answer to my question is
* note that ActionMessageFactory.createErrorMessage() returns ActionMessage
* and ActionError extends ActionMessage
verify(errors).add(eq("exception.message"), any(ActionMessage.class));
verify(errors).add(eq("exception.detail"), any(ActionMessage.class));
Solution 5:
You can use Mockito.atLeastOnce()
which allows Mockito to pass the test even if that mockObject will be called many times.
Mockito.verify(mockObject, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).testMethod(Mockito.eq(1));
Mockito.verify(mockObject, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).testMethod(Mockito.eq(2));