Where are the four telescopes in Southern Shelf Bay?

Solution 1:

They're all near the Bay's fort.

  1. In-between the two bridges en route to the fort, facing back whence you came
  2. Atop the fort (the top level), looking over the water
  3. Around the archipelago of scrap wood in the water, close to but before the ship, looking out over the water
  4. On the ship's upper level, facing towards the fort

enter image description here

Solution 2:

I found this:

I can see your corpse from here You need to locate all the telescopes in the southern shelf bay. The first one is quite easy. You will find it inside the small camp as you rise up the hill after the ferry. The next two can be found on the boats in the town, and the last one will be found on that highest point in the town.

Read more: http://segmentnext.com/2012/09/17/borderlands-2-challenges-guide-how-to-complete/#ixzz26uSxWXAH