How to disable nautilus from handling the desktop? [duplicate]

As it is the only way to activate transparent themes in Gnome-shell:

  • How to disable Nautilus from handling the desktop?
  • Can I make it handle the desktop again?
  • What will happen to the unity and desktop icons?
  • How to handle the desktop icons without nautilus?

Solution 1:

I found that running gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false instantly disabled the desktop icons.

Solution 2:

You should remove the file /etc/xdg/autostart/nautilus-autostart.desktop (or at least modify the OnlyShowIn line into it).

Then you should always run nautilus with the --no-desktop option (this could also require to modify some menu item or quicklist).

You can manage the desktop with nautilus again at any time launching nautilus without the option --no-desktop.

To manage the desktop in an alternative way you could look at some other file manager.

Solution 3:

If you install the gnome tweak tool (which you'll want anyway) you can disable file manager handling the desktop (see Picture). But as far as I know you will then have no desktop icons. Most if not all DEs are structured such that the file manager handles desktop icons.
