Dynamic WHERE clause in LINQ

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(source: scottgu.com)

You need something like this? Use the Linq Dynamic Query Library (download includes examples).

Check out ScottGu's blog for more examples.

I have similar scenario where I need to add filters based on the user input and I chain the where clause.

Here is the sample code.

var votes = db.Votes.Where(r => r.SurveyID == surveyId);
if (fromDate != null)
    votes = votes.Where(r => r.VoteDate.Value >= fromDate);
if (toDate != null)
    votes = votes.Where(r => r.VoteDate.Value <= toDate);
votes = votes.Take(LimitRows).OrderByDescending(r => r.VoteDate);

You can also use the PredicateBuilder from LinqKit to chain multiple typesafe lambda expressions using Or or And.
