Zsh backward-delete-word does not recognize "/" character

I want ctrl-W on Zsh to stop when it encounters the "/" character. I have the following in my .zshrc file, but it doesn't stop on "/". What is going on?

default-backward-delete-word () {
  local WORDCHARS="*?_[]~=/&;!#$%^(){}<>"
  zle backward-delete-word
zle -N default-backward-delete-word
bindkey '^W' default-backward-delete-word

Solution 1:

The problem is, that / is part of your WORDCHARS.

According to zshparam(1):


A list of non-alphanumeric characters considered part of a word by the line editor.

So if you want zsh to consider / as a word separator, it should not be in WORDCHARS. I would also suggest using single quotes instead of double quotes when defining it - especially as there is a $ in there, which may lead to unwanted expansions.

local WORDCHARS='*?_[]~=&;!#$%^(){}<>'